Service Alert: Mail Server Moves/Outage

On Wednesday night, 5th February, we will be moving two core mail servers from one rack to another in our data centre. Each one could suffer an outage of up to 30 minutes during the move – though hopefully much less than that. Works will start after 11pm, and...

Service Alert: Zimbra Server Moves/Outages

On Wednesday night (22nd Jan) we will be moving the three Zimbra servers in our data centre to a different rack. This work will start shortly after 10pm, and will involve a short outage for each server, hopefully in the region of 10-15 minutes, but possibly longer if...

Service Alert: DKIM Launch

GMail, along with a number of other email platforms, are insisting on stronger email credentials: setting an SPF Record for your domain is an absolute essential now, but DKIM and DMARC are becoming increasingly relevant. We have now launched support for DKIM –...