by Iain Ogilvie | Sep 29, 2017 | business continuity, email filtering, service alert, service enhancement, spam, spam filtering
We’ve seen an influx of what is known as ‘CEO Spam’, where an email is supposedly sent from the boss’ iPhone asking the recipient to urgently send some money to a bank account. Please be on the alert for this, and help your users not to fall...
by Iain Ogilvie | May 15, 2017 | email filtering, service alert
I’m sure you’ve all heard the news over the weekend about this ransomware and the damage it has done to the NHS. You’ll be pleased to know that both our AV engines were updated pretty promptly to block this virus. However, no-one seems entirely sure...
by Adrian | Dec 15, 2016 | email filtering, email hosting, spam, spam filtering
In the ongoing war against the spammers, we have put a lot of effort over the last year or two in looking at the effectiveness of various methods, and thought it might be helpful to give a bit of a behind-the-scenes look at some of the lists and methodologies we use...
by Iain Ogilvie | Sep 9, 2016 | calendaring, email filtering, email hosting, service enhancement
For customers using MailCore Pro we are delighted to announce that, with effect from your first billing date on, or after, 1st October 2016, we are reducing the price of the full MailCore Pro feature set down to that of the ‘Basic’ – only £1 per...
by Iain Ogilvie | Jul 28, 2016 | email filtering, email hosting, service enhancement
Today we have introduced a further level of protection our anti-virus service. Using our control panel, a third type of protection can be selected that blocks any incoming or outgoing emails containing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros. These are typically...
by Iain Ogilvie | Apr 27, 2016 | business continuity, email filtering, service enhancement, uncategorised
Gateway gets a Major Upgrade! We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new Gateway Control Panel that picks up on recent design changes to our website and provides a number of new features, as well as more intuitive navigation. New tools for Gateway include...
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