We have been made aware that several users of our anti-virus email filtering are receiving what appear to be false-positive notifications as of this morning. These are affecting emails with attached .doc (and possibly other MS Office) files. The email in question is blocked and the sender/recipient (if hosted by us) will receive a notification stating a line similar to: /tmp/24007: Win.Exploit.CVE_2016_3316-1 FOUND. We are investigating this as a matter of priority. Although disabling your anti-virus will allow such emails to get through, we do not recommend doing this unless it is a very urgent matter. Services such as wetransfer and Dropbox may be used instead until we have resolved this situation.
UPDATE: We have now modified our virus signature databases to remove this false-positive detection. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. If you have advised a user to disable anti-virus we strongly recommend you reserve this as soon as possible.
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