Case Study: Turtletots

Turtle Tots is an innovative and unique swimming programme, which begins during pregnancy, and continues once baby is born. Not only does it focus on teaching babies and young children to swim, it also promotes pre-natal and post-natal fitness and provides an excellent toning workout.
Since 2011 Turtle Tots has been licensing the programme and train people to run their own Turtle Tots businesses – selling them the rights to use the Turtle Tots brand exclusively in a post-coded and mapped territory.
Turtle Tots has grown faster that they could have hoped for and they now have 34 licensees operating across the UK.Each licensee has their own Turtle Tots email address and many licensees employ staff who also need email addresses. When Turtle Tots launched in 2011 the email
system was provided by their website hosting company. As they grew they found that the system was not robust enough to meet their growing needs.
Turtle Tots needed an email provider that could grow with them; in the UK
as well as internationally, provide access to control and add email addresses and forwarders easily and quickly, and was cost-effective. In addition, a number of key staff required the use of shared calendars and contacts.
The Very Good Email company proposed their MailCore Pro service: hosted email, shared calendars, shared contacts, shared files and notes. The service includes high quality, multi-layered, anti-virus and anti-spam filtering as standard – providing additional peace of mind.
MailCore Pro is The Very Good Email Company’s recommended email and collaboration platform for small to medium enterprises.
Turtle Tots were assured that the migration of their existing email to the Very Good Email service would be painless, and it went smoothly with any issues ironed out quickly and reliably.
The Very Good Email Company provides Turtle Tots with over 50 email boxes, along with additional email alias addresses to ensure emails don’t go missing – all very cost effectively.
Turtle Tots found the pricing to be transparent and the service provided very flexible: they can add/delete/amend emails quickly and easily themselves without having to contact anyone. Turtle Tots are safe in the knowledge that everyone on the team has an email service that is reliable and cost-effective.
“We are delighted that we migrated our email provision to The Very Good Email Company. The support during and since the migration has been fantastic and they do exactly what they say on the tin!”
Caroline Sparks, Commercial
Director, Turtle Tots Limited