Case Study: Integrations

A small family run business, Integrations specialises in providing ‘virtual’ IT support to a variety of small-to-medium enterprises, with pro-active remote maintenance of client servers and systems.
Integrations provide IT services ranging from hardware/software supply/installation/configuration, ongoing support, web services, hosting on dedicated servers, domain registration and administration, including DNS Management, to web development using HTML MySQL, PHP, Perl, Ajax, JavaScript, Flash etc..
Typical clients are from within the banking, asset/funds management, hospitality, estate agency and education sectors and even includes luxury super yacht brokers, as well as AIM listed companies.
Integrations were looking for a partner who could provide a reliable email platform that included spam filtering and compatibility with mobile phones.
Becoming an Accredited Partner has been a positive experience, with great support and the ability to control most aspects of user accounts in-house via their dedicated Partner Control Panel.
A key feature of the Very Good Email Company Partner Programme is that most services are only available via Accredited Partners so there is no competition between Partner and Supplier.
High availability and backup services that don’t require regular maintenance, or even checking, mean that Integrations find “it just works.”
Web access through the Zimbra platform meant that Integrations can scale anyone instantly, no matter how quickly their business grows, without needing to invest in hardware, or time. Many of these clients are sometimes in less than ideal office environments that would not be able to support the required services through a simple lack of infrastructure.
Integrations have full confidence in the Very Good Email Company services they offer clients, with flexibility to match solutions to specific requirements.
Clear billing procedure makes things straightforward and, unlike other possible solutions, Integrations don’t have to constantly monitor mail server storage and backup usage.
By adding cloud based email services from the Very Good Email Company to their portfolio, including Zimbra and Hosted Exchange, Integrations have grown from a
Bronze to a Gold Partner in just over a year.
“With The Very Good Email Company as our partner we are able to rollout custom email solutions tailored to our clients needs.” He continues “In addition we have the flexibility to scale the solution provided as the clients business grows and their requirements change.”
Sam Kane
Managing Director Integrations